Scheduled site maintenance 9pm Sat 8 June to 5am Sun 9 June. Services may be impacted, including MyPost Business, Tracking and Parcel Send.

What is customer experience?

Find out what customer experience, or CX, is and why it’s an important opportunity for every business.

What is customer experience? 

Customer experience is all the interactions a customer has with your business. 
Every interaction is an opportunity to create an experience that’s positive for the customer. 

The customer experience happens throughout the customer journey, from their first contact with your business through to purchase, delivery and becoming a loyal customer.

Customer experience is also known as CX. 

Why is customer experience important? 

Creating a great customer experience is an opportunity to help customers have a positive experience of your business.This can help them become repeat purchasers, loyal customers and brand advocates

What makes a good customer service experience? 

There are many ways you can create a great customer experience. These include: 

  • Communication – every time you communicate with your customers is an opportunity to create a great experience
  • Give your customers a seamless shopping experience
  • Understand what your customers like – and give it to them
  • Use a delivery partner who can deliver parcels to your customers reliably 

How to improve the customer experience 

It’s a good idea to regularly look for ways to improve the customer experience. You can find the gaps between what they want and what you’re doing by listening to customer feedback and analysing each step of the customer journey.

MyPost Business can help with your parcel sending

From automating shipping label creation to booking parcel pickups, MyPost Business is here to help eCommerce businesses save time and money every send.